Paving and PG&E LED Lights

If your neighborhood is due to have repaving as well as streetlight conversion to LEDs, then you are advised to get PG&E and DPW talking to each other before the repaving starts. Once repaving is done there is a 5 year moratorium on infrastructure upgrades. In the case where PG&E needs to replace underground wiring, a 12” trench is required. Repaving can be held up for impacted blocks and PG&E’s contractors will then finish the repaving should they not be able to use the sidewalks. Below are contacts that you may use as entry points. PG&E: Jodi Blasquez Senior Outreach Specialist Local Customer Experience – Electric Reliability San Francisco Division Pacific Gas and Electric Comany O: 415.973.0066/m: 415.264.8068 DPW: Dadisi Najib Public Affairs Officer Office of Communications & Public Affairs San Francisco Public Works City and County of San Francisco 30 Van Ness 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Ph (415) 558-5281 Fx (415) 522-7724