If your neighborhood is due to have repaving as well as streetlight conversion to LEDs, then you are advised to get PG&E and DPW talking to each other before the repaving starts. Once repaving is done there is a 5 year moratorium on infrastructure upgrades. In the case where PG&E needs to replace underground wiring, a 12” trench is required. Repaving can be held up for impacted blocks and PG&E’s contractors will then finish the repaving should they not be able to use the sidewalks.
Below are contacts that you may use as entry points.
Jodi Blasquez
Senior Outreach Specialist
Local Customer Experience – Electric Reliability
San Francisco Division
Pacific Gas and Electric Comany
O: 415.973.0066/m: 415.264.8068
Dadisi Najib
Public Affairs Officer
Office of Communications & Public Affairs San Francisco Public Works
City and County of San Francisco
30 Van Ness 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Ph (415) 558-5281 Fx (415) 522-7724